Healthy School Lunches

Healthy School Lunches

Its back to school time and with all the new policies and protocols it can make it more challenging to come up with some fun/tasty/nourishing and allergen free lunch ideas…parents…your job is hard! I thought I might make it a little easier by putting together 

Plant Based Pantry Recipes that won’t break the bank

Plant Based Pantry Recipes that won’t break the bank

When the world ended as we knew it I was determined to cook up lower cost, plant based meals and chalk my freezer full. I wanted to have a great stock pile so that when I eventually returned to work I would have so many 

Key Nutrients in Celiac Disease: It isn’t all about the Gluten!

Key Nutrients in Celiac Disease: It isn’t all about the Gluten!

Hey! Did you hear that it’s Nutrition Month yet? Maybe you have been blasted all over social media with tons of posts so you already know. If you didn’t know….well…March is Nutrition Month! A Dietitian’s goal every day is to teach people about healthy eating, 

Folate & Celiac Disease: Ten food sources to add folate to your diet every day!

Folate & Celiac Disease: Ten food sources to add folate to your diet every day!

There are two types of Vitamins, Fat Soluble and Water Soluble. Our fat soluble Vitamins include; Vitamins A, D, E and K and our Water soluble vitamins make up all the rest. Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body for later use when 

Are We Vilifying The Holidays???

Are We Vilifying The Holidays???

This morning I prepared a cute little Christmas Tree plate for my son out of kiwi. Banana and strawberry. I absolutely love having fun with my food and shaping it into different things. Its so exciting to create healthy alternatives for the holidays. It’s also 

4 Ingredients to Supercharge Your Diet

4 Ingredients to Supercharge Your Diet

Its almost Christmas! The holiday season can be full of stress for some people. You worry about eating too many treats, drinking too much alcohol and perhaps an ever expanding waistline…fear not for I have some tips to sneak extra nutrients into your diet that 

Fueling Through Breastfeeding: Five Power Snacks To Keep You Energized

Fueling Through Breastfeeding: Five Power Snacks To Keep You Energized

Nutrition Month is here and I love, love, love this year’s theme: Unlock The Potential Of Food. Food has limitless potential and carries so many different meanings to each and every person! This particular blog is all about the Potential of food to fuel our 

Top 5 Foods To Kick Start Baby Led Weaning

Top 5 Foods To Kick Start Baby Led Weaning

The term Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is popping up all over the place these days. It is met with skepticism by some health professionals to total cult movements in some parenting groups. BLW is essentially a way of feeding your baby that completely by-passes the 

The Skinny on Fat

The Skinny on Fat

February is Heart month and in light of this important topic I thought it would be a great time to talk about FAT! Over the past years there has been some new findings that have changed the way we look at fat in foods and 

Consuming enough calcium: building a strong framework

Consuming enough calcium: building a strong framework

Dairy consumption seems to have decreased in the last little while. I find that in my private practice I always have clients who are avoiding it for one reason or another. Incidence of lactose intolerance seems to have increased and then there are those few